Nina’s Status Report For 2/24/2024

Accomplished Tasks

This week, my team and I worked on the design presentation and made changes to our use case requirements as we adjusted from having a heavy-lifting drone that would drop aid packages to a drone with a laser attachment that would shine a spotlight on people it identifies. We also met with some drone labs and robotics institute professors to help us finalize the type of drones we would be using for our project (crazyflies, parrot drones, custom-built). Due to difficulties in acquiring a drone with all the necessary features, we have decided to pivot to a rover that would traverse across a semi flat landscape in order to identify for humans in an area difficult for rescue workers to reach. We originally decided to display GPS information and live camera footage through the livestreaming and GPS sharing features established by a DJI drone app but are now looking into mounting a GoPro camera on the rover and using a transmitter to track the location instead.


Due to the drastic change to a rover, it has now changed my plans of originally using the RTMP video link I had set up to be hosted on the website. Now, I am considering embedding a Youtube link to the website that would enable to use platform livestreaming due to the lack of streaming from just a camera attachment. In addition, although I have live user location displayed through Google Maps API, getting information from an AirTag has proven to be difficult due to Apple’s privacy rules that don’t allow for ease of sharing. Then, I tried looking into hosting the Find My iPhone application itself on the website but Apple does not allow for cross platform sharing without some security measures.

Next Week’s Deliverables

Next week, I plan to have the video sharing and live location sharing features completed and work on styling the website to improve user experience. In addition, I will be working on refining our use case and its requirements due to the change in method of transport for our search and detection application.

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