David’s Status Report for 2/10/2024

Accomplished Tasks

This week was the week for the Proposal Presentation. Upon obtaining Prof. Kim’s feedback for our project, I looked at how to achieve the goal he requested: find an appropriate drone for our project. As the main head of the drone-related tasks, I wanted to make sure I found the perfect drone, one that was capable of having a camera, carry some weight, and (as Prof. Kim emphasized) have an API. I performed extensive research on this matter, finding a few candidates, but have not finalized on a drone still. There is still a rather large concern of being able to find a suitable drone with an API. I have reached out to other people who have flown drones before to gauge their recommendations. I also looked into obtaining clearance for flying the drone (if needed), and plan to contact those who may know more about these.

Prof. Kim also brought up the idea of replacing Search and Aid with Search and Point (with a laser pointer). While I have found a suitable method of implementation for Search and Aid, I still need to perform more research on how to perform Search and Point – the challenges lay in finding a drone with a suitable API within budget, along with other concerns of managing I/O on the drone itself. Research continues along these aspects. On an unrelated note, I also helped to set up the website for our weekly reports.


My progress is still on schedule; this week is designated for parts research.

Next Week’s Deliverables

I hope to be able to complete what I had planned for this week, which is order the parts necessary for our project (in particular, the drone in question). Due to this being a very important part of our project, I want to make absolutely sure that this part goes correctly.

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