Team Status Report for 4/6

Risk Mitigation 

A risk in our project that we are trying to mitigate at the moment is whether or not our intended platform for storing data will be sufficient in terms of upload/download speed. Since we are planning on uploading camera footage from Salem’s and immediately using it and discarding it in real time, it is necessary to make sure that the platform we choose can be fast enough to allow for this data transfer from RPi to laptop to work properly. Therefore, we will test with uploading data from our RPis to cloud with AWS S3 buckets, and if those do not meet our requirements, then we can pivot to Dropbox or other distributed storage alternatives. 


Design Changes

Since we are using RPis to use real-time data from Salem’s, we are using AWS as a middleman in the content delivery process from the store to our remote laptops, which can then use the data for testing purposes on our system. 

Schedule Changes 

We have created a rough draft schedule for the last few weeks of the semester to stay on track: 


Brian Shubhi Simon
April 3rd, 2024, Wed Fix environment for cv2.imshow, look into options for RPi data transfer Purchase requests for cameras/displays/RPis RPi setup 
April 4th, 2024, Thursday Fix environment for cv2.imshow/RPi setup Talk to Salem’s about using their Cameras, Wifi, installing our own cameras, reimplement fullness acquisition RPi setup 
April 5th, 2024, Friday RPi setup, set up server/method for data uploading from RPi Reimplement fullness acquisition RPi access camera module and USB camera simultaneously 
April 6th, 2024, Saturday Set up server/method for data uploading from RPi Reimplement fullness acquisition RPi access camera module and USB camera simultaneously 
April 7th, 2024, Sunday Set up server/method for data uploading from RPi, test uploading multiple cameras data per raspberry pi, implement fetching Improve accuracy of fullness acquisition RPi access camera module and USB camera simultaneously, test uploading multiple cameras data per raspberry pi, implement fetching
April 8th, 2024, Monday Go to Salem’s, add pictures to dataset to train for throughput, implement line detection Go to Salem’s, improve accuracy of fullness acquisition Go to Salem’s, implement line detection, add pictures to dataset to train for throughput acquisition
April 9th, 2024, Tuesday Implement line detection, retrain throughput model Improve accuracy of fullness acquisition Implement line detection
April 10th, 2024, Wednesday Implement line detection, retrain throughput model Improve accuracy of fullness acquisition Implement line detection
April 11th, 2024, Thursday Increase accuracy of throughput acquisition, go to Salem’s and install cameras Increase accuracy of throughput acquisition, go to Salem’s and install cameras Increase accuracy of throughput acquisition, go to Salem’s and install cameras
April 12th, 2024, Friday Test throughput, line, fullness acquisition with footage from Salem’s Test throughput, line, fullness acquisition with footage from Salem’s Test throughput, line, fullness acquisition with footage from Salem’s
April 13th, 2024, Saturday Test throughput, line, fullness acquisition with footage from Salem’s Test throughput, line, fullness acquisition with footage from Salem’s Test throughput, line, fullness acquisition with footage from Salem’s
April 14th, 2024, Sunday Test throughput, line acquisition with footage from Salem’s, integrate line detection Test throughput, line acquisition with footage from Salem’s, integrate line detection Test throughput, line acquisition with footage from Salem’s, integrate line detection
April 15th, 2024, Monday Integrate line detection, purchase toy carts, prop items, test integrated system Integrate line detection, test integrated system Integrate line detection, test integrated system
April 16th, 2024, Tuesday Test integrated system Test integrated system Test integrated system
April 17th, 2024, Wednesday Test integrated system Test integrated system Test integrated system
April 18th, 2024, Thursday Figure out test configuration for final demos, dry runs with test configuration  Figure out test configuration for final demos, dry runs with test configuration  Figure out test configuration for final demos, dry runs with test configuration 
April 19th, 2024, Friday Slack Slack Slack
April 20th, 2024, Saturday Slack Slack Slack
April 21st, 2024, Sunday Slack Slack Slack
April 22nd, 2024, Monday, FINAL PRESENTATION
April 23rd, 2024, Tuesday
April 24th, 2024, FINAL PRESENTATION



Using data from Salem’s market, we plan on validating our system by setting up our system there, letting it run, and observing how frequently it is the case that an individual that uses the system before the next one gets out of the store or to the checkout line faster. We will then tally the total number of users that are able to get to the front of a checkout line or out of the store faster and divide it by the total number of users in order to measure accuracy. Furthermore, for testing the speed of the system, we can programmatically check how fast the system is from start of computation to displaying the result, and check if it is under our design requirements. 

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