On Wednesday, I flashed the Raspberry Pi OS onto a microSD card and set up it up as a headless RPi. On Thursday, I attached the RPi camera module and made sure that I could record and save a video using the picamera2 module (took me unnecessarily long to realize that I needed picamera2 and not picamera). On Friday, I also made sure that I could record and save a video from the USB camera. On Saturday, I got the camera module and the USB camera to capture and save videos simultaneously, so Brian and I can put our work together tomorrow and see if we can record and then upload/download from S3 successfully. I also spent some time trying to stream from my RPi to a website, but I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t able to connect, so I think I’ll just scrap that approach (Plus, it’s probably a bad idea since anyone who can view the website can view all the footage).
Here’s the code with the camera module and USB camera recording simultaneously:
I’m keeping up with the new day-by-day schedule that Brian created, but I was hoping to be further ahead of schedule by now because the RPi stuff should not have taken as long as it did. For next week, it seems like it should be easy enough to put Brian and I’s work together tomorrow, and from there I will just continue following the schedule outlined in Brian’s status report.
For what I’ve worked on/plan to finish, which are shopping cart detection and line detection, I could test by going to Salem’s and setting up a camera in the checkout lines for 10 minutes each (since there are 6 checkout lines, this will total an hour or so) and just mark down what percentage of the shopping carts are correctly detected (correctly meaning detected by the time they enter the bounding box). For line detection, I will look at how many people are in the line from the camera footage and see if the correct number of people are detected as being in the line and keep track of how many people we are off by.