Shubhi’s Status Report for 3/16


This week I worked on catching up and making progress on the project. I was able to wrap up implementing the database that all our modules will communicate with. Additionally, I went to Scotty’s Market to take pictures of carts so I could train a custom model that I could use in my implementation of identifying carts to be able to observe the relative fullness, which I also finished up. I also wrote the pseudo code for implementing the relative fullness. I reached out to Scotty’s Market, and followed up with multiple contacts, but no one has gotten back to me, so it is looking like we are going to have to makeshift a grocery store to test our system.


Since I have the module flushed out, I just need to wrap up implementation of identifying the relative fullness of the carts so that we can start testing the full system. I plan to get it done this week so that we have a week to test the system. I think we are catching up and making good progress on our system, and we should be done with implementation soon. 

Shubhi’s Status Report for 3/9


This week I spent a majority of time on the design report, especially since we had to make many changes to our design as I was working on object detection and realized that we can’t realistically count the number of items in each cart via the camera pipeline. Since it would be too inaccurate for our use case, we realized the better way is to look at the relative fullness of the cart and use edge detection to estimate the 2D space that is taken up by the items in the cart, and assign a quantitative number to that cart as a metric for relative fullness. Due to this design change, I went a little bit backwards in my research, as I had to switch gears and understand more of how to use edge detection to accomplish this. I spent some more time also doing research to account for this, which has set me back in progress a little bit. Additionally, since we are now not working on integrating an FPGA to our system, we have now decided to convert the repo to be on a python stack to allow for more simple OpenCV usage, which is something I reset this week. I also reached out to the director of dining services at CMU to talk about working with Scotty’s Market for our user testing, but I have not received anything back from them. There may be a chance that we have to create our own testing scenarios.


Currently, I am a little bit behind on the implementation according to the Gantt chart, but I plan on working extra this week to make up for it, and will hopefully have majority of the implementation done and preliminary tested with the camera that we ordered. To do this, I will be meeting with my group extra as well this week so we can all help each other get back on track.

Simon’s Status Report for March 9, 2024


I don’t have much to report this time. The week before spring break, I spent the majority of my time working on the design report. Since we have shifted responsibilities around and I am now working on the checkout line detection (and I have no previous experience in OpenCV), I spent some time over spring break working through OpenCV’s bootcamp and learning how to do object tracking and detection, so I think I’m ready to start my implementation of the checkout line detection this upcoming week.


Since we have decided to no longer use an FPGA, my previous progress (which was not much) is now irrelevant. As such, I’m pretty far behind where I’d like to be in terms of my new responsibilities, but I plan to spend extra time this week to implement the line detection algorithm. Hopefully, I will be able to start testing this week as well. I plan to go to a grocery store and ask to take a few pictures from our proposed camera angle for some initial testing data since I couldn’t find any suitable images online.

Team Status Report for 3/9

Risk Mitigation

One vital part of our product solution is determining the relative fullness of a shopping cart using an edge detection algorithm. Edge detection can be potentially inaccurate, but it is the most important part of our calculation for figuring out which checkout line is the fastest, and therefore we need to minimize the amount of error in this case. Therefore, if our preliminary edge detection algorithm implementation has a larger error rate than wanted for figuring out the relative fullness of a cart, we will purchase more cameras (3 more, 1 extra camera per checkout line). We have enough budget to do this, and so it should allow us to achieve a higher accuracy rate with our edge detection algorithm given the extra camera angle to gather data. 

Design Changes

We made many changes this week due to fleshing out our design. The most important change we made was eliminating the use of an FPGA in our project. We realized that speed isn’t a stringent requirement for our needs (we care about accuracy the most), and therefore we decided to just run the backend entirely on a laptop. 

Furthermore, instead of detecting the number of items in a cart, which is error prone and very inaccurate, we are planning to use edge detection to instead estimate the relative fullness of a shopping cart and then use a metric of sorts to determine the approximate amount of time it would take to check out a cart that is x% full. 

We are planning on changing our programming language of choice to Python from C++ because of our choice to leave out FPGAs from our design. Python will be much simpler to understand and code reviews will be more quick with this change. Looking into OpenCV, we observed that writing in Python does not generate much overhead compared to a C++ implementation of the same function, and so our change should not incur any unwanted performance issues. 


We’ve changed our schedule because of our decision to change our design to no longer incorporate an FPGA. Now Simon is working on software modules. Here is our Gantt chart: 

Part A: Grocery stores are all over the world and an essential part of people’s lives. With our product solution, people will have a more streamlined and efficient shopping experience, waiting for a shorter period of time to check out of a store. Waiting much less time will help people spend less time at the grocery store and allocate more time for their other priorities. 


Part B: Our product solution emphasizes the need for a timely and more efficient grocery shopping experience. Today’s society is greatly motivated by fast paced lifestyles and convenient solutions, which our system design caters to. With our system producing a timely result to users, we expedite the shopping process for customers who are on a time crunch and have other priorities that they want to spend their time on. Our system uses algorithms that analyze the queue length and cashier speed to cater to the cultural value of time optimization. We can see across many cultures that time optimization is important and multiple cultures have even put efforts towards creating tools and innovations that revolutionize the efficiency of daily operations. Additionally, our system is inclusive for different cultures where people might not necessarily understand the same language, but since we only deal with numbers, we are able to cater to multiple groups of people.


Part C: We don’t believe our product solution will have any significant impact on the environment. The only related aspect is the electricity the cameras and laptop will use, but compared to the cost of lighting and climate control for a grocery store, this will be negligible. Grocery stores use roughly 50 kWh of electricity per square foot per year and the average grocery store is 40k square feet, while a camera uses around 10 kWh per year, a standard laptop uses 450 kWh per year, and a small monitor uses around 500 kWh per year. Assuming a reasonable number of cameras (<100), the increase in electricity consumption will be less than 0.1% by my estimates. 


Part A was written by Brian, Part B was written by Shubhi, Part C was written by Simon 

Brian’s Status Report for 3/9


The week before spring break, I mainly focused on the design report because we ended up making some major changes to our design. The lack of an FPGA mainly changed many things with our proposed solution and so I changed our Gantt Chart to reflect the new tasks. The week of spring break, I didn’t get much progress done with getting a working implementation of the throughput algorithm, but we decided to change our programming language of choice from C++ to Python because of the lack of significant overhead when using the latter, and more simple syntax. The main issue when trying to finish my C++ implementation that I thought of was how to figure out when to start and end the throughput calculations: if counting the number of items in the bagging area section and seeing how many go there per second and averaging it, it is difficult to accurately determine when to start and when to finish calculating the throughput. I have yet to figure this out. 



I am still a bit behind schedule as I have not fully implemented a working algorithm for detecting when someone picks up and puts down an item yet. I am currently in the process of converting my current (not working) algorithm to Python so I can test it more easily. This week I hope to work with Simon if necessary to get this algorithm working and simultaneously work with Shubhi for her edge detection algorithm as it is the most important part of our proposed solution.