Simon’s Status Report for March 9, 2024


I don’t have much to report this time. The week before spring break, I spent the majority of my time working on the design report. Since we have shifted responsibilities around and I am now working on the checkout line detection (and I have no previous experience in OpenCV), I spent some time over spring break working through OpenCV’s bootcamp and learning how to do object tracking and detection, so I think I’m ready to start my implementation of the checkout line detection this upcoming week.


Since we have decided to no longer use an FPGA, my previous progress (which was not much) is now irrelevant. As such, I’m pretty far behind where I’d like to be in terms of my new responsibilities, but I plan to spend extra time this week to implement the line detection algorithm. Hopefully, I will be able to start testing this week as well. I plan to go to a grocery store and ask to take a few pictures from our proposed camera angle for some initial testing data since I couldn’t find any suitable images online.

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