Brian’s Status Report for 2/17


This week, I mostly worked on the design presentation slides with Simon, since I am the presenter for next week. We were able to create block diagrams for our system’s algorithmic design and a rough diagram of the physical layout together. I also picked up our DE10-Standard FPGA that we will be using for hardware acceleration and looked into videos/documentation on how to work with the board. I also modified our Gantt chart after discussion with my teammates because now there is a dependency in our schedule. I am currently working with some open source OpenCL code in order to further understand how the framework works in order to be able to help Simon with converting OpenCV Python code to C/C++ code in later weeks to use with OpenCL. 



The DE10-Standard has a lot of features, and because of this, I am still quite unfamiliar with how to use it fully. In terms of CV algorithm implementation, because of our redefinition of scope/design after our weekly meeting, I am also slightly behind schedule in this regard. To combat this, I hope to get through the OpenCL open source code within the next few days, communicate with Shubhi for more clarification on the software side of the project, and progress with the implementation of a CV algorithm for tracking a cashier checking out items.

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