Alana’s Status Report for 3/9/24

Personal Accomplishments:

I was able to get the web application to build a functional 3D plane that can generate 3D objects, can view models at multiple angles, and has a menu that allows them to change the position of the object. While the visual results are interesting, I think the more valuable progress was bettering my understanding of how to work with Three.js. As I was implementing these features, I came across a library known as React Three Fiber, an open source library that makes Three.js easier to implement with React. Finding this library made coding the 3D space much easier as a lot of the functionality was turned into premade React components. This will help me spend more time implementing and less time trying to figure out how to get Three.js to work harmoniously with React.

Moving an object in 3D space:

Viewing the object at multiple angles:


I am currently on schedule as I had hoped to have the prototype of the web application done by now and with the 3D functionality being implemented I am happy with the progress made so far. From here, I’ll start refining the web application as I integrate it to work with the other parts of the project, like getting the lidar data or interacting with the scissor lift.

Schedule Status: On time.

Next Week’s Deliverables:

Now that I have a better understanding of Three.js, I want to start building a system to have it incorporate data from the LiDAR system in real time. I want to see how far I can get with a web app getting models from PyVista and allowing the user to play with them a bit. For the bare minimum, I want to try getting the room scan uploaded into the 3D space.

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