Katherine’s Status Report for 3/9

Over the past 2 weeks, I participated in completing the design report, ordered the PCB from JLCPCB (it should arrive in 4-6 business days), and completed the first-time use tutorial on the DFRobot Wiki for using the Beetle to display “Hello, world!”.

A Beetle with USB connection is held in front of a screen displaying the Arduino IDE, where the Serial Monitor reads "Hello, world!" twice.

I also realized that the circuit diagram I created for the design report did not mention its sources; it was compiled based on diagrams from the AKU1126 acoustic microphone datasheet, Beetle pin diagram/definition, NeoPixel (SKC6812RV) datasheet, and Pololu boost converter description.

Here is a sketch of the bracelet that was not included in the design report.

Front and top views of the bracelet. The PCB has the Beetle in the center, with the boost converter on top of it. On each side of the Beetle is a line of 3 LEDs and a microphone, evenly spaced with the microphone between the first and second LED. The PCB is on the top layer of the bracelet, and the battery is behind it when viewed/beneath it when worn. All electronic components are covered in plastic insulation. String at each end of the insulation is fed into a cord lock.

All deliverables from last week are complete. The Gantt chart has been updated so that we can catch up to the new schedule.

When first attempting to use the code, I was able to see the device on my phone and click to establish a connection; however, an SMP error occurred shortly afterwards. For next week, I want to implement the Beetle-Bluetooth connection described in the tutorial without errors, and be able to maintain a Bluetooth connection between the Beetle and my phone.

Serial monitor readout including "Bluetooth connected", then BT_SMP and BT_BTM errors.

The timing of the next deliverables on the Gantt chart depends on when the PCB comes in; after that, I can work on electronic prototyping and LED signal processing. I will also write non-code algorithms for how determining direction from a microphone will work (with the inputs being two microphone input values in dB).

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