- What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or
photos that demonstrate your progress.
I was trying to attach the chips to the gloves last week. I tried zip ties, but they seemed too thick to go through the gloves. I also tried sewing them on, but the pins on the back of the chip can sometimes poke through the gloves and weren’t comfortable to wear. I think I will hot glue the chips to 3M Velcro strips and then stick them onto the gloves. That way, I can rearrange the components easily and take out the batteries for charging.
- Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be
taken to catch up with the project schedule?
I am behind schedule. I planned to make one glove this week, but sewing is harder than expected. I did not complete building one glove and I was out of town last weekend. I will spend most of tomorrow in the lab with Yuqi to finish building the gloves.
- What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
By the end of Thursday, I hope to build both gloves.
By the end of Friday, I hope to merge my code base with Karen’s and clean up dead code.
By the end of Sunday, I hope to finish all integration testing and get out system ready for the final demo.