Oscar’s Status Report Mar 11

  • What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or
    photos that demonstrate your progress.

This week I added a gliding mechanism to fix the audio snap problem. Now, when the user switches to a new frequency, the synthesizer will play a sequence of in-between frequencies instead of jumping directly to the target frequency. I also rewrote the oscillator class to support customized timbre. I can now customize the sound by changing the mathematical expression of the oscillator’s waveform. In this demo video, the first oscillator uses a sine wave with glide duration = 0.05s. The second also uses a sine wave with glide duration = 0.1s. The third one’s waveform looks like the picture below and has a glide duration = 0.15s.

  • Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be
    taken to catch up with the project schedule.

I am on schedule. However, I do foresee a heavier workload next week as I will be adding hardware (Arduino + gyroscope chip) to software (my synthesizer).

  • What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

Since our gyroscope chip has arrived, I will be testing its functionality next week. If there is no problem with the chip, I will incorporate its outputs to my synthesizer. I hope that I can use its tilt angle to control the volume of my synthesizer by the end of next week.

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