Anna’s Status Report for 3/11
What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).
This week, our focus as a team was to work on the design report. During our first team meeting, we divided work and agreed on what we wanted to say in each section, in broad strokes. Before our meeting on Thursday, we wrote a draft for each section we had been assigned. During this next meeting, we discussed parts that were unclear and made sure we weren’t covering anything redundant.
At this point, we had to finalize the block diagram for the web application. To do so, we needed to understand exactly how the mechanism for recording audio works in web applications, which we had not agreed on. I ended up looking through some resources and chose to use the MediaStream Recording api, which creates an audio stream in javascript and returns the current data when it is requested, which can be done with AJAX.
A large portion of the work I did this week was familiarizing myself with MediaStream. I followed an example from GitHub to understand how to use this api. I then played with this code to pivot it to using just audio, since we are not interested in video recordings.
I added this play tested example to the website. It requests permission to record upon the request stream button being pressed, after which the button disappears. Then a recording can be started and stopped, which updates the recording that is visible.
This plan to use the MediaStream is outlined in a bit more detail in the design report. The plan is to use the ondataavailable event handler with AJAX to send the current audio information to the python backend.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
Overall, I am hitting the targets I want to, other than displaying target pitch. Because of the time the design report took as a team, we have not been able to have a discussion together about the way we want to store target pitch information, and we don’t have the specific data for our melodies. I will discuss this during next week’s meetings and make sure we have a plan going forward. Overall, I am not too concerned about not having started on that metric yet.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
In the next week, I hope to get started on displaying target graphics. Additionally, I want to combine the audio recording and audio playing pages.