Team Status Report for 04/01/23

Setting up the Jetson and accelerometer took significantly longer than expected, so we are behind on setting up hardware and integrating the system. After the Jetson is capable of connecting to WiFi (which should be completed by the end of this week), integration will be much easier and be able to occur outside of the classroom. While different aspects of the CV are already completed (calibration, eye-tracking, head-pose estimation, and yawning/blinking detection), integrating these steps to work together in one process is still a significant risk that needs to be resolved with debugging and user testing. Another risk coming up is setting up communication between the device and the web app. This is an area that we don’t have significant experience in and foresee a decent chunk of time being spent on debugging. We will mitigate this risk by using some our slack time to focus on this communication. 

We swapped our Jetson AGX Xavier for a Jetson Nano this week because we were worried about the power consumption of the Xavier (and whether a car power outlet would be able to fully support the device when connected to the camera, speaker, and accelerometer) and the Xavier seemed more difficult to setup. Both Jetsons were borrowed from the 18500 parts inventory, so no monetary costs were incurred and the overall time to set up the Nano was less than the setup time for the Xavier would have been. Unfortunately, the Nano does have lower computing power capabilities than the Xavier, so there is a risk that we may be unable to meet our accuracy requirements because of this switch. 


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