The significant risks that could jeopardize this project is our lack of knowledge about wifi cards and which one to buy. The wifi card component is very important for our project as it will allow us to transfer driver data to the cloud, allowing drivers to keep track of how they’re driving. This will be mitigated with consulting the TAs and anyone else who has experience with wifi cards.
Some changes that were made to the design was adding a head pose estimation system. Eye tracking on driver’s with sunglasses is not feasible and after critiques from the professor in class during the design presentation, we’ve decided to tackle this issue with head pose estimation where the person’s head position would be measured to determine whether they’re distracted/drowsy. This will add an extra week to the schedule and push back our progress by a week. This is being mitigated by the 3 week slack time buffer we had at the very beginning.
Other than adding the head pose estimation code, everything else from the schedule last week looks relatively the same.