Ankita’s Status Report 3/25

Current Progress:

  • Finished finalizing the dimensions for the Mirror frame around the key constraints (primarily the acrylic mirror dimensions and monitor thickness)
  • Researched different smart mirror construction designs and created a plan of assembly and materials required, making sure the monitors are seamlessly attached together and the 2-way mirror is as straight as possible to not distort the reflected image
  • Went to Home Depot to obtain the wood pieces and get the corresponding cuts
  • Helped gather data points on the distance to the mirror and how the reflection changes accordingly (for the Mirror mapping aspect)


  • According to the timeline, we should be focusing on the Mirror UI and the Mirror-Camera calibration components which we are on track to accomplish. We are slightly behind on the error rendering component of the UI and the hardware assembly, but we plan to have that finished this week.

Next Steps:

  • By the end of the week, we plan to finish the hardware assembly and have an MVP of PosePal.
  • We will primarily focus on the error rendering and Mirror-camera mapping aspect.

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