Team Status Report 3/25


  • Wrote the scaling algorithm and created a plan, as well as did a preliminary proof of concept test, to calibrate the camera-mirror scaling factor.
  • Designed the hardware and finalized dimensions
  • Bought the wood and supplies from home depot and marked their dimensions
  • We were supposed to do the wood working and building today but techspark’s woodshop was closed and so have to push that out to early next week.
  • Wrote the error rendering code but it needs to be tested some more.

Next Steps:

  • We are focusing on the Mirror mapping software system this week, which will entail us recording measurements of key distances such as the distance from the user to the mirror, the depth recorded by our Pose Estimation algorithm, the width of their shoulders or arm span in the mirror reflection, and the actual width/arm span of the user. Once we have these measurements, we will be able to perform a linear regression/interpolate between these data points to produce a line of best fit that represents a correlation between the distance from the mirror and how the reflection shows up on the mirror.
  • Any remaining hardware assembly will also be wrapped up this upcoming week.
  • We hope to have an MVP of PosePal by the end of the week!


  • Following up from last week, the major hurdle we are facing is completing the integration of the mirror-mapping logic to successfully render pose correction suggestions directly onto the user’s reflection.
  • For this mirror-mapping task, we have finalized the methodology for how to dynamically scale coordinates of the user from the camera feed coordinate space to the coordinate system of the monitor/mirror such that corrective suggestions get rendered in the right position on the reflection
  • We went through an example flow of collecting this data and testing the resulting scale factor measured from it through our algorithm


  • We are in the middle of wrapping up hardware construction and integration of the product itself
  • We’ve begun assembly of the frame of the mirror/monitor, and will need to complete final assembly this week to begin testing with the fully integrated product and verify the validity of our mirror-mapping logic and algorithm most importantly

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