This week was another productive week.
This week i personally spent my time working on the course itself and the LiDAR. I spent many hours building our wooden course. After building it, I recruited a few fellas to carry it down to campus with me.
I also worked on the LiDAR and was able to consistently track a ball. I ran into an issue where balls that were behind each other were unable to be tracked. We may consider re-scoping our project to only allow for one ball to be on the course at a time so that the LiDAR can accurately track the ball. However, the LiDAR implementation was vastly improved to track not only the ball but the hole and the distance to the hole. The LiDAR now also makesĀ POST request to the webapp to send the distance to the hole.
I think we are on schedule and plan to have an amazing Sunday to prepare for our demo where we want to have IMU data with the putter and ball as well as the hole, LiDAR, and RFID all working well with the webapp.