A bit late on this one with some travel to finish up my spring break.
This week I worked on validating our sensors. I used an arduino as the MCU for all of this testing. Beginning with the RFID sensor, I was able to create a simple program to read a MIFARE compatible RFID tag and then map the UID values to a given “golf ball”. Using two of the provided RFID cards when one is tapped the program registers and reads back “Golf Ball 1 Detected!” and likewise with the other golf ball
An issue I did run into was with our tags that are used for the ball itself. This are not MIFARE compatible so they didn not register any data when scanned by the RFID sensor. However, I was able to track down another set of tags that are stickers that can be placed in or outside of the ball to provide the same function.
This week I also wrote part of the design documents. Particularly, the implementation and the design trade studies.
Overall our team is on track, I wish we had finished more this week before break, however, we are aiming to have a prototype of each of our subsystems by the end of next week and I believe we can achieve this. The biggest part of the upcoming week will be validating the IMU. I have begun to use the Arduino IDE to communicate with the IMU chip and all seems well. Our goal is to have a simulation by Wednesday that can show the orientation of the IMU as someone moves it around.