This week I primarily worked on the slides for our first presentation and pitch for our project. I read over our slides and added suggestions and ideas to them. The slides can be found attached. After our presentation this week, I also communicated a bit with Professor Kim about how we may need to restructure our approach for our project. Specifically, he identified that the IMU sensor might not accurately detect ball movements precisely enough to calculate distance and acceleration.
We are perhaps a bit behind our original schedule as we need to ensure that our ideas now correspond to the design and scope suggested by Professor Kim. However, since he is proposing that we scale back our project, I think that this may alleviate some of the time it will take to pivot to this new design.
As we ramp up this week, Erik and I will meet with CJ to identify which of the sensors he has ordered and which ones we still need to purchase. Then, we will also solidify our ideas about our new restructured design with Professor Kim, to confirm we are on the same page. Once this is given the green light, we can move to design some of the software that may be needed for our web app. Additionally, we can identify the physical parts we own/need for the golf ball, club, and course itself as these will be key to our demo.