Continued working on navigation bringup with George.
Kind of working. We were able to giveĀ a goal pose and the robot was able to follow the planned path.
A bit finicky, needs to start at a specific point for path planning to work. (Localization and path planning are desynced for some reason)
Doesn’t do well with all types of obstacles, needs some more testing and optimization
Worked on LaserScanMatcher to implement odometry data using just laser scans (we are not going to use LaserScanMatcher for now b/c we got odometry data from Roomba).
Building the Roomba library from source (which is a newer version than the one that can be downloaded on ubuntu repositories) and changing the baud rate has enabled the odom topic in Ros
It was working well enough to get simple path finding working
Need to do some more testing to see if it is fully working and accurate
On schedule, fine tuning navigation
Check in with usb wifi adapter package shipping timeline (Quin was out)