Team Status Report for 3/25/2023

Significant Risks

  • Roomba odometry data
    • The Roomba provides very unreliable odom data. This is backed by many complaints found online about its unreliability.
    • This poses an issue for other systems that rely on odom, such as navigation, and gmapping (an alternative SLAM engine that produced worse results when compared to hector SLAM).
    • During navigation to a target goal, the Roomba would just spin in a circle.
    • We plan on using laser scans to replace odometry data.
  • Transparent Objects
    • Transparent objects, such as windows, produce unreliable maps. To create better quality maps, we have blocked the bottoms of windows that are inline with our lidar system.
    • We are not sure how this will affect localization, further testing is necessary to see if windows need to be blocked during operations.

Design Changes

  • Due to the aforementioned issues with Roomba odometer data, we have decided to use laser scans to produce odom data.

Collaborated on Navigation stack bring up.

  • We were able to produce odom data by using the laser_scan_matcher package for ROS.

  • We have successfully setup navigation on the Xavier NX. We were able to produce a global path to the target, but were unable to get the Roomba to follow the path (it just turned in a circle).

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