This week:
I tired to implement the method provided by the Madgwick paper. However, even though I tried to implement Madgwick’s method as close to the code from the paper and it can give me readings that makes sense, I still find there are many problem exists.
One problem is that the degree changes from rotation changes is not accurate. I’m still very confused about this and probably I made a mistake implementing the Madgwick filter. Based on the information I get I think Madgwick filter is a correct method to solve the problem but I still need to keep working on it.
Another major problem is gyro drift when the device is stable. When I place the gyroscope on a stable surface, the gyroscope data from the filter will still keep changing slightly. I compare the data from Madgwick’s method and the accelerometer readings when the device is placed on a stable surface, and I can see two readings starting at about the same position and Madgwick’s reading will drift from the original position. I’m not sure if I made a mistake implementing Madgwick’s method or I should apply more high-pass filter on gyro data to migitate the drift, but I will keep testing this to try to figure it out before the lab on Monday. I think Madgwick filter should be able to overcome this issue based on my understanding of the paper so it’s more likely I made a mistake.
This is a tough week for me. I wish I can have more progress on Sunday. I find a more about implementation of Madgwick code by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology here, maybe I can refer to this.