Nat Arocho’s (Slightly Late) Status Report for 2/25

This week was a bit slower compared to other weeks in the course so far. The only big deliverable that we had to have completed for this week was our Design Presentation, which I think went quite well. I also planned on spending some time this week ordering the NodeMCU so I can get development started with that.

I would say my progress currently is a little behind schedule. This week was quite busy for me; I spent most of my time this week doing work for the classes that are important to me. Due to that I did not order the NodeMCU during the week, however the good news is I ordered it as I am typing this report.

Next week I plan on working on a simple NodeMCU prototype to understand developing for the device; I plan on getting this done before Spring Break. If the NodeMCU does not arrive before then that fine too, as I’m sure I can spend some time during break working on the project to stay on schedule.

Recreating our schedule last week was critical, this allowed us to counter the design challenges associated with changing projects weeks into the course.


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