Team Weekly Status Report for 4/29

This week, our main priority was the Final Presentation on Monday. Afterwards, Ian B. worked on the web app, while Ian F. and Nat worked on refining the nodeMCU code and worked on the encasing solution for the sensor module.

Next week, we plan on working on the final poster, final report, and final video which are due Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, respectively. Our main priority is the final report, which we plan on starting this weekend.

In terms of schedule, we would say that as a team, we are all on schedule for this final week.

For testing, some tests we have done are:

– Web application response time – how long the web app takes to reflect going from busy to free and vice versa. We ran 10 trials on each of the sensor modules and our average findings were in our final presentation, but they were well below our initial 30s use case requirement.

– Sensor module detection – the accuracy of the sensor module while using it on a treadmill/elliptical bike. We ensured that we had over 90% accuracy as per our use case requirement.

– Sensor module power/battery life – we tested the battery life of the sensor module to ensure it met our 16.5h use case requirement.

Nat Arocho’s Weekly Status Report for 4/29

This week was spent finishing the final presentation slides as well as preparing for the final presentation. I also spent some time putting finishing touches on the NodeMCU side of the project.

Next week will be focused on finishing the last 4 deliverables – the final poster, final presentation, final video, and final demo.

Overall I am confident in our abilities to complete these deliverables on time, as we are basically wrapped up with the technical portion of our project.

Ian F’s Status Report for 4/29

This week I mainly focused on encasing and mounting options for our sensor module, specifically for our bike module. Prior to our final presentation, we were using a really crude method to prop up our module in order to avoid detecting the handle bar instead of the actual user.


So in order to improve our sensor positioning I developed a version of the case presented in last week’s report, adapted to the position in the pictures above. I utilized the center tray as the base for it and developed the following cases:

These cases were designed to be placed on top of the center tray from the bike and thus hinders our invasiveness goal sine it renders the tray useless for the user. However, this spot and method is the simplest way of mounting without redesigning the whole module or tampering with the dashboard. The case on the right is the first iteration which did not print smoothly on the corners on top evidenced by the curvature. In addition, this case is smaller and has a lower angle of elevation than the one on the right.

Nonetheless, after printing, I installed our module in both cases at the gym and adjusted the ADC reading based on threshold testing. This testing consisted of me standing upright at the very edge of the bike to see if I was detected or not, then riding the bike and tilting my body backwards in a way that would realistically mimic a user leaning back on the bike and observe how the module behaved. Clearly, we want the module to not detect a person standing behind the bike, but we want to be able to accurately detect a user on the bike even if he/she is leaning farther back than usual.

So after much trial and error I was able to determine a range of ADC values and test small variations in this value to ensure proper functioning of the system. I found that we had a lean-back vs out of range detection compromise. If we wanted to detect somebody leaning back we ran the risk of setting the threshold too low and detect a person standing at the very edge of the bike, while if we set the threshold too high we ran the risk of not detecting a user leaning back while guaranteeing a person standing at the edge was not. In light of this, I observed bike users in the gym and saw that most users leaned forward or stayed upright rather than lean back, So I decided to compromise a bit for the lean-back and focus on not detecting anybody at the edge.

With this in mind and as per the data tables and graphs we produced earlier on, I fixed the ADC reading threshold at a lower value from what was originally set for the treadmill in order to reduced the detection distance. In addition, I noticed that the larger case needed a lower threshold than the smaller one given the angle variations they had. Thus I also tested different heights of users in order to determine if the angle on the larger case was too high to accurately detect shorter users. Both cases, with different tuning, handled different heights satisfactorily (heights that are reasonable for users of the bike and heights that the manufacturer suggests, 4’9” to 6’5′).

With that out of the way I proceeded to perform the same tests and gym trials highlighted on the final presentation (document which highlights our unit testing – gym trials – and overall testing of the system – detection delay and accuracy). Our detection accuracy improved as expected, with pretty much only 1 trial failing under normal circumstances. Under extreme inclination (leaning back) the reading and detection was not stable and worked a little over half of the time, but this was to be expected as mentioned above. So we are betting that usage will not resemble this scenario and our detection threshold is appropriate.

Given that both cases performed similarly and better than the crude setup we had before the final presentation, it is now a matter of preference when it comes to choosing which model of the case to use. At the moment I am leaning towards using the larger angle one given that the smaller angle case is technically damaged. Thus if we choose to print the smaller one we would need 2 fresh prints whereas only 1 is needed for the larger angle one. This decision will save us time and costs. Nonetheless I believe our budget is still large enough to accommodate 2 fresh prints. so we will see.

So for next week we will perform more testing to see if either case has an edge, then fabricate them as part of our final system, and finally report our findings for the last set of deliverables we have for the upcoming week.

Ian Brito’s Weekly Status Report for 4/29

This week, I mainly worked on finishing touches for the web app (UI/front end related tasks and small bug fixes). Overall, I would say work on the web app is complete. There was not much testing to be done individually on the web app that has not already been done: setting up a new machine works, admin page works, we tested time to update with various runs, which all worked.

Next week, we will work on all our deliverables, which include the poster, final report, final video, and final demo. I would say the main priority for this week is the final report due Friday, as it is the largest assignment of the bunch. Therefore, most of this week will be spent working on that.

Heading into the final week, I would say we are on schedule to wrap things up neatly.

Nat Arocho’s Status Report for 4/22

This week (and last week), was spent integrating Ian F’s NodeMCU code (the code responsible for detecting people w/ the IR sensor) with my own code (sending POST Requests to update server), in addition to debugging / refining the code. Another major task completed was the setup code for the NodeMCU. Before, Users would have to flash each NodeMCU and give it an individual ID. Now, during the setup, the NodeMCU sends a post request to the server, and is given a unique ID in return. After this the NodeMCU is connected to the server and runs as normal. This is very useful on the users end, as now users do not have to flash each NodeMCU when setting up.

I would say our team is definitely on track; We are done with pretty much every major aspect of our project, so I am confident about our final slides and presentation in the coming week.

Next week will be mostly spent refining our project in addition to the presentation.

Team Status Report for 4/22

These last two weeks our project saw significant progress in preparation for the final round of deliverables and demonstrations. On the hardware and circuits side of things, we were able to pick up on our segmented progress and create mobile and compact sensor modules. The mounting mechanism and position is proving to be challenge so this will have to be dealt with so that it does not become a limitation for our system.

Having said this, we were able to fine tune and program our NodeMcu so that it could bridge the communication between sensor and web-app successfully. At the moment, we have 4 fully functioning modules and a web-app that has incorporated features like an admin page to ease the setup process and customizability of the system. So, on the integration front, we seem to have everything working. Thus, the remaining work to be done is mostly aesthetic and consists of polishing and refining our overall product.

For next week, we must conduct more testing with the sensor modules, determine if refinements to the NodeMcu code are necessary and implement them, polish the front-end of the web-app, ensure the back-end works as intended, and develop a demo plan for the week after our presentations.

Ian F’s Status Report for 4/22

For these past two weeks I have been working mostly on the physical components of the senor module. Parting from the last status report, I was able to develop a mobile and compact version of our sensor module. Following the wiring diagram from my last report, I proceeded to solder and glue everything together forming the following module pictured below:

Afterwards, in collaboration with Nat, I uploaded the modified script for the NodeMcu with the web-app integration and successfully produced 4 fully functioning modules with web-app occupancy capabilities:

Next, I shifted my focus on creating a 3D printed enacisng prototype for the modules using Solidworks and the Ender printers at the Techspark facilities. I created one unsuccessful one and proceeded to refine it to create a second more acceptable prototype pictured below:

While I waited for the fabrication of the prototype case to be completed I tested out the modules in the UC Gym and ran a couple trials to determine what parameters needed to be adjusted. The treadmill trials were a success since I was capable of detecting proper occupancy readings with 10 one-minute stand-in trials, 10 separate pass by’s behind the treadmills mimicking people walking by, 10 separate stand-ins outside the detection range in terms length, and 10 other stand-ins to the side of the machine. All of them worked successfully in terms of the hardware, meaning that the built-in LED of the NodeMcu (our physical indicator) lit up successfully every time.

When it came to the bikes, things did not run as smoothly. First off I had a lot of trouble finding a good mounting position. I was able to improvise a rather crude setup and proceeded to run the same tests I did for the treadmill. The main set that failed was the passer-by trials since the detection range was configured to the treadmills and therefore too long, meaning that the ADC reading boundary needs to be adjusted to fit the length of the bikes. All other trials were successful.

Nonetheless, there are some some significant concerns related to the mounting position of our modules on the gym equipment. The testing took place with a sensor module in a non-fixed position. This is a concern in the case of the treadmill because if some user were to incline the treadmill to the max or use the max speeds of the treadmill causing lots of vibration, the sensor module might slip and fall. In addition, the location in which it was placed is directly in front of a hole were gym user’s belongings can be placed, objects that if placed there would effectively obstruct the sensor module. As a result other mounting positions were considered but have proved to be challenging due to the flush design of the dashboard. On top of this, the bikes dashboards have awkward angles that made the testing of our modules quite difficult.

During this testing I realized that my encasing is not ideal and that perhaps a possible implementation with the sensor connected through wires but separated from the battery pack and the NodeMcu might be ideal. The ideal solution would require tampering with the machine dashboards and potentially drilling holes to add and safely secure the mounts for the modules. Nonetheless this is obviously not allowed. Thus, this might prove to be a setback and a potential impediment in our implementation plan.

Following the gym trials, I tested the module for power consumption more formally than last time since now the Wi-Fi capabilities of the NodeMcu were active. I measured that the sensor draws roughly 21mA. Nonetheless the NodeMcu readings were a bit inconclusive. During setup, the NodeMcu draws roughly 80mA but then drops down to roughly 26mA. However it jumps frequently to 80mA and back to the 20s range. This does not affect our 16.5 hour requirement but it does make calculating the precise consumption a bit hard. Thus, I believe we will use worst case consumption estimates to provide the overall battery life

In addition, other occupancy testing was done in a more controlled environment to see the full integration. These worked successfully for the most part with certain hiccups pertaining the back-end software implementation.

So, further analysis and refinements need to be made in terms of powere consumption and the software/sensor back-end before the final report and demo. Thus for next week I plan on preforming more testing on the modules for power and integration as well as and solving the issue of mounting the module on the gym equipment as best I can. The mounting issue threw me a bit off schedule, yet when it comes to the system as a whole, I would say that portion went according to plan.

Ian Brito’s Weekly Status Report for 4/22

This week (and last week, given there was no status report), I added a few key features to the web app. First, I made sure the register endpoint was fully functional — the register endpoint is the API that the nodeMCUs hit on start up to that they are assigned their IDs. Next, I worked on an admin page as discussed in our group meeting, so that admins can assign machines to IDs. This involved creating HTML for the page, working on JS, and backend login for Django so that only logged in admins can access the page. Thirdly, after discussing with the team and Alex, I realized my initial approach for average business for machine was wrong, and updated that. The new approach simply calculates % business (aka # machines busy/# total machines) and plots them per day.

Next week, the big overall goal is just cleaning up the CSS so that the page looks better. However, the first main focus is the final presentation next week. We have done some testing in terms of our use-case requirements (response time, accuracy, etc.), but have to finish our slides before tomorrow at midnight.

Overall, I would say that I am on schedule, and so is the rest of the team. Not much is left to do with the web app itself besides finishing touches and polishing before the demo, so the main focuses now are the deliverables in the coming weeks.

Team Status Report for 4/8

This week, Ian B. continued work on the front-end of the web application, as well as a new feature on the backend of the site for registering a new device as discussed during the interim demo. Ian F. was able to get a significant amount of testing done with the sensor module. Additionally, we now have a wireless and mobile (battery powered) sensor module, with initial steps for the encasing/mounting mechanism taking place. Nat worked on nodeMCU code, as well as spending time understanding Ian F’s work to have an idea on how to integrate it with his own code.

Next week, Ian B. will work on the final backend feature (average time spent per machine), as well as debugging and testing the new feature/existing features. Ian F. will continue working on the mounting mechanism for the sensor module, as well as integration of his work on the sensor with Nat’s.

In terms of schedule, I would say that we are on schedule in terms of the software stack with the web app. For the sensor module, I believe we should be roughly on schedule according to the new chart made for the interim demo, but it is a tight schedule as Ian F. mentioned in his individual report.

Nat Arocho’s Weekly Status Report for 4/8

This week was spent working on refining the NodeMCU code, as well as spending time w/ Ian F. understanding his code so we can integrate it at some point later in the future.

As we enter the verification and validation phase of our project, I have multiple tests and methods to ensure that my code functions properly. I do this by writing the code correctly so that it works as intended.

I would say our progress in on schedule, I don’t see any issues getting in the way of our final product.

Next week will be spent integrating Ian F. code w/ my own and hopefully have a working prototype.