3D housing test fitting was completed and started looking over the inductive charging pcb kits.
The fit was well and had suitable tightness for joints and solid feeling. There’s no tilt whatsoever so it’ll be good to continue the design for it. Perhaps it’ll be beneficial to have a wrist rest so users can type at a more comfortable height, however this is nothing new to the keyboard world as many users have wrist rests in order to use their keyboards that may have a slightly higher profile.
Rough changes were made to the 3D housing and we have adjusted measurements for what to change in the next print out of the housing. We shall make 3D housing changes such as a hole for the USB-C port, adjust the height, and account for the receiver charging pcb. We’ll be on track to complete fulfill the requirements for size.
Inductive charging wise, Zhejia and I have identified what is necessary to change in order to adjust the boards for our usage. We were successful removing the current coils on the boards and now going through calculations to get through the correct capacitor values to replace them. We use the reference circuits from before and are able to identify each piece well.
Next week we’ll continue the process. Perhaps a bit slow this week, but we have a plan for next week.