This week i presented on the design presentation. one question that was raised was about the confidence threshold. The YOLO algorithm will give a confidence calculation, from 0 to 1 determining how likely it is that the object is actually what it says it is. We decided that we want a 85% threshold. Aichen and I met up and we kept looking into the file structure of the YOLO code, and found that the given YOLO_imgs text files in the dataset are actually the labels that the code is looking for. We will have to modify the script that segmented the dataset images into train/val/test and also segment the corresponding label text files. We have ordered all the materials and some of them have started arriving. We will definitely start building next week as our materials start arriving. We will also be spending the week working on the design document. I think we are still behind on the ML side, as our file structure is still having issues. But there has been development in terms of the detection portion of the software.