We continued debugging the object detection code, adding code to clean up and move around the file system. The code is able to run halfway through, but it is still getting stuck on the error of not having the labels file. Our problem is that the file structure is not set up right for the dataset that we’re using with the code that we are modifying. I believe we are behind in this aspect, that we should get the code running.
I also worked on the mechanical design, refining the placement of the neopixel, and also changing it to a strip of neopixels. We thought about making a backboard to support the platform that the camera and jetson to sit on, but we ended up keeping the PVC pipe idea in order to hide the wiring.
We all worked together on the design presentation, which I will be presenting this week, making block diagrams as well as FSMs and flowcharts to represent the flow of the data throughout the system.
We are a bit behind in terms of mechanical building since we have not finalized the parts to order. But we are finalizing and submitting the order form tonight.
Classes used to develop our design: 18240, 10301 Intro to ML, 18100 Intro to ECE