Xuan’s Status Report for 2/18/2022

This week, we spent time refining our design. One thing that came up was the actual gestures that we were going to use. We translated our three general gestures, zoom with a pinching gesture, pan with a swiping gesture, and rotate with a rotating gesture, into specific gestures described in three aspects: flex sensor output resistance, accelerometer measurement, and gyroscope measurement. For example, this is our more detailed description of a zoom-in gesture:


  • Grab: partially closed hand as if you’re grabbing an object (half curl)
  • Pan: Move your hand while keeping the same finger positions

Flex: all constant mid

Acc: changing x

Gyro: Constant


We also realized that our zoom-in gestures and zoom-out gestures have to be different because we don’t want the gesture to be reversible. We wouldn’t want the user to zoom in, then when they let go of the gesture, the detection might trigger a reverse if we’re using the same gesture. Along with a more detailed design, we also worked on our design presentation.

I think our progress is still on schedule because we have already received our Pi, and the original deadline this week was to put in the bill of materials. Next week, we hope to receive our other materials and start building the glove, along with initially writing up the gesture detection mechanism.

Relevant ECE Courses: 18-290, 18-220, 18-349


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