Jake’s Status Report for 2/26

This week I developed more code to get the esp8266 to connect over wifi. The big question at the moment is what “.ino” authentication library to go with for optimal power savings. Theres several options that are available and I have working, the difficulty however is that to truly determine which one is best for our low power solution we have to run them all on the device and measure power draw.

So far I am on schedule as this week we implemented a working embedded device to software interface that communicated with the cloud. This upcoming week + spring break week I plan to not only conduct the previously mentioned power draw experiments but also to establish an AWS rule (essentially the pipeline that directs incoming data) to push inbound data to an AWS db.

Jake’s Status Report 2/21

This week I developed the preliminary code to get the esp8266 to connect to wifi as well as the code to alter esp8266’s mac address as needed. I registered one esp8266 with cmu-device and received a confirmed connection. I then connected our esp8266 to AWS-Core.

Initial Connection of esp8266 to CMI-DEVICE

So far I am ahead of schedule as this week we have the potential to implement a working embedded device to software interface with a deployed sensor communicating to our web server.

In terms of deliverables for the coming week I would like to integrate the AWS-Core page with our deployed AWS website server. This is slightly complicated because I don’t believe we have a deployed website quite yet.

Jake’s Status Report for 2/12

I conducted a lot of research into our use case, the seating situation in the UC, and gathered a few metrics that could be used to drive our requirements and began preliminary design around these. Primarily  I began to experiment with the PIR sensors for occupancy detection. I determined area of detection and explored feasible deployment techniques. We will likely focus our sensors directly downward from underneath the table. As most sensors we are looking at have a cone of detection < 120 degrees this ensures we can detect occupancy at any direction around the table with a single sensors as well as ignore the noise of passing students.  I additionally started playing with code for linking our microcontrollers to the web.