Jake’s Status Report 4/16

This week I focused on completing a few of the remaining things from my schedule. The first of these was to convert the EC2 database to run MySQL. For the demo we were just running sqlLite as a proof of concept but to ensure we are optimizing for our design requirements a change to MySQL was preferred. I also worked on updating some of Angela’s old front end html and django code and implemented that on the ec2 so that it runs on our website. I think this upcoming week I am going to create seperate versions of both this front end and our esp8266 code so that we can have the compartmentalized demos that we discussed with Tamal this week. The webapp code for some of the demos will be able to display info on exact latency and capacity.

I additionally developed two of the tests/validations our team initially had planned to do. The first of these is tracking the aws -> website capacity and loading times. I’m utilizing GTMmetrix which is a pretty standard speed test tool that performs multiple tests across various browsers, locations, and connections. I have yet to run this as Angela is finishing up her finalized front end which is the element of our pipeline this seeks to stress test. The Second of these tests is a fleet of node mcu’s that all are publishing json packets. This stress tests the device node -> aws capacity. This is more of a verification/validation than a test as there isn’t a solid metric for this other than delay and packet loss.

Last week I mentioned that we needed to  convert all devices to access CMU-SECURE through a wifi access point as CMU-DEVICE was blocking certain things we were trying to do with NTP. Now that we have confirmed our final demo location as Wiegland Gym we have concluded an ethernet based wifi access point is not viable as there isn’t accessible ethernet access for our team. I spent a lot of time researching wifi repeaters as a circumnavigation and we found several possible options that would work for our final demo. We are going to test one of these options, using a Samsung Phone as a wifi repeater this upcoming week. This is probably our greatest issue for risk mitigation at the moment. Our initial demo proved that we can still have a working project without this solution however to realize the full vision of our project this will need to be solved.

In terms of our updated schedule I am right on pace.

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