Jake’s Status Update for 3/19

This week was spent mostly on integrating the hardware software interface. To start off the week I registered all of our esp8266s with CMU-Device’s wifi registration. I worked through getting these new devices to connect to our aws iot accounts. I successfully started quick connecting the esp8266 to aws iot and pushing data packets with table occupancy. Code can be found here: https://github.com/ayzhang00/OccupancyMonkey/blob/main/Esp8266/aws_iot_main.

I designed the code such that all secure information i.e. keys and wifi information is entered into a small header file that is added at device flash so no outsider can peek at that information on our github. I additionally created our mySQL database hosted by Amazon RDS and am close to finalizing the AWS lambda rule to push the sent data to this mySQL database. The code for this is similar in structure to the esp8266 code where all sensitive information is placed in a small additional file. The code is found at: https://github.com/ayzhang00/OccupancyMonkey/tree/main/send_data_to_rds

I am about on schedule, there is a slight hiccup with AWS that I need to work through as it appears our EC2 credits do not count towards AWS IOT and Amazon RDS payments, as I initially hoped. I think the RDS free tier will suffice unless Django has some unanticipated quirks. The risk mitigation for this would be less reliance on Django models for the substitution of the pymsql library or something similar that gives tighter control over database reads.

Next week, will be spent completing the implementation of our hardware software integration by finalizing the Lambda function with the hopes of completing the hardware to software pipeline to the point that this code will not need to be touched for the remainder of the project.

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