This week I worked on 1) running bash script with a click button in electron desktop app, 2) deploying the electron app in Jetson, and 3) deploying colorthief in Jetson.
I started working on 1) running bash script with a click button from my macOS environment; however, it did not work even after multiple trials. Thus, I decided to deploy electron app in Jetson and see how it goes. In terms of 2) deploying the app in Jetson, I was unable to install Electron in Jetson. Thus, I decided to build a distributable electron desktop app from my macOS laptop using electron-builder, and run the app from Jetson. Although I was able to successfully build and run a distributable desktop app for macOS and Windows, I was not able to run the app for Linux. I have not figured out this part yet. In terms of 3) deploying colorthief in Jetson, Wonho and I encountered “cannot find module” errors; thus, Wonho fixed it by using OpenCV for colorthief instead of node.js.
Overall, this week has been lots of trials and errors. We are behind the schedule as we have not been able to successfully integrate the mirrorUI desktop app with Jetson. As it is an important part of our project, if it does not work for another day or so, I am planning to develop mirrorUI using different platforms other than Electron.
For the upcoming week, I am planning to finish the integration of mirrorUI with Jetson and improve the mirrorUI so that it has better connections with the overall system.