This week I mainly focused on finishing the app. As of now, my app has a home screen where the user is able to input certain tags to the piece of clothing which are then uploaded to a Google Spreadsheet that resides in our group’s capstone folder on Google Drive. I achieved this through using an API called which allows GET and POST requests to a Google Spreadsheet using a specific uri. The only issue that I am facing is finding an effective way to upload the photo of the piece of clothing to the database. I’ve tried to send a POST request with the photo but it would only push the file destination of the photo in String format which is useless. I’ve also looked into possibly storing the photos on a cloud server (e.g. Google Cloud), but it requires a lot of OAuth hassle which I believe is unnecessary. It may be easier to find a way to upload the photo directly from the app to the Jetson if possible because then I could simply store the unique name/id of the photo file in the ‘photo’ column in the database and the Jetson can output the correct photo when trying to display it on the monitor screen. This is something that I will be working on over the weekend and by next week. I don’t want to spend too much time on this because I still need to integrate the app with the recommendation system and the Jetson, so I hope to get this done before next Wednesday. I would say that we are a little behind schedule because we only have around a week before our final reports are due, but I’m still positive about the progress that our group has been making towards getting everything integrated.