This week I worked on finishing up the important features of our app. As of now, I am able to open the app through Expo Go, show the splash screen with our logo, and choose and upload photos which the server responds to. The server is on localhost:3000 and the user is also able to cancel choosing/uploading photos which the server will also respond with a “cancelled = true” k-v pair in the json object that is returned. I also helped demonstrate all this during the interim demo that happened on Wednesday.
For the coming week, as long as I stay on schedule, then I will have a working version of the app up and running with the ability to add tags and labels when uploading the photo which will also be sent to the server in a json object. I also want to be able to work with Yun to use her database that she has been setting up instead of localhost:3000 just responding with an OK. After that, I plan to integrate everything into the smart mirror and possibly add functionality to turning on/off the LED lights once we order them and get delivered.