This week, I touched a bit more upon the weather api as the one that I worked on last week was based on http request. It may cause unnecessary delay or complication in the future, so I worked on running everything completely locally, and was able to complete the task. On top of that I did more research on some basic recommendation algorithm, and also acquired some dataset regarding which outfits are appropriate for which weather.
I think we are bit behind of schedule, especially due to the unexpected delay in the integration of camera, jetson, and openpose. Two people are working on resolving that issue which delays the rest of the project. However, I am very optimistic about the rest of modular tasks as well, because I am almost done with the recommendation which means I can hop on the mobile app development and general integration as well.
Next week, I will work on interim demo presentation, and will work on integrating all modular tasks that my team has worked on so that we can have a demo. If I have some time left, then will work further on the basic recommendation system I have and improve it to be more sophisticated.