This week was all about getting the torso recognition software to work. I decided to go with trt-pose due to its compatibility with Nvidia Jetsons as well as its simplicity compared to OpenPose. We ordered a new camera that was compatible with this as well to work with the software. However, the camera ended up not being compatible with trt-pose. The SAINSMART imx219 camera does not work with trt-pose and we have another camera ordered to be compatible with the software. In the beginning of the week, Jeremy and I fully assembled the mirror and frame as well as testing it so the UI is visible through the mirror. This upcoming week, when the camera arrives, we will be testing it and making sure that trt-pose works no matter what. Also, as a backup plan we will be reaching out to groups that are using OpenPose to figure out what is wrong with our system and get the torso recognition up and running for the interim demo. This obstacle has set us back a week in terms of schedule but I am confident that we will be able to get it up in running before we go on our break for carnival.