This week we decided to move on to our plan B of using trt-pose after struggling for a week to get OpenPose working on our Jetson Xavier. We spent endless hours on it trying to debug and reinstall drivers but it still did not seem to work. I’ve wiped our SD card and have installed trt-pose on the Xavier. I just need to go in the lab and test it with the camera to see if it works. Other than working on this crucial part of our project, we decided to get the hardware components (the frame of the mirror) out of the way by setting an internal goal to finish the mirror this week
As a team, we all went to Home Depot to purchase the wood necessary for the project and were able to finish building the frame for the mirror. In terms of the hardware, we seem to be on track but lacking slightly in the software progress. This will be the week where I will really start to make progress with our CV code as trt-pose should be up and running soon.