Post-spring break, I dove straight into implementing our mobile app that the user would use to interact with our smart mirror as well as input his/her wardrobe into the database. I am building the app with React Native and testing it with Expo Go. I have attached a few photos below which show my progress with the app. As of now, I have a very bland and simple home screen for our app and a ‘+’ button in the top-right corner which navigates the user to the page where he/she can add clothes to the database. I’m still working on having the app be able to handle image and file uploads. After that is done, then I plan to make the app a little more pretty and then connect it with the database implementation that Yun is working on. Besides working on the app, I also helped Wonho set up OpenPose with NVIDIA Xavier. We spent 3 hours on Thursday night trying to install all the correct dependencies and builds, but there seems to be an issue with either caffe or cmake not being able to recognize one of the libraries needed to run OpenPose. Wonho and I will try again on Monday, but if it doesn’t work then he and I discussed a plan B which is to use a different software tool, capable of real-time gesture recognition, called trtpose which was developed by NVIDIA. I also went to the wood shop with Wonho and picked out some scrap wood planks we will use to build the frame of our smart mirror. Next week, I will finish the app and build the frame of our smart mirror. I would say that our team is slightly behind schedule because there have been so many issues with setting up OpenPose on the Xavier, but if that is resolved then we may even be ahead of schedule.