Weekly Status Reports

Vivian’s Status Report for 2/26

Vivian’s Status Report for 2/26

This past week I began prototyping and testing some of our sensors. I soldered pins onto the gyroscope and soldered prototype ends to one of the buttons to test the process for the PVC controller. I also wired up 9 simple buttons (not the ones 

Angel’s Status Report for 2/19

Angel’s Status Report for 2/19

This week I worked with the team to create our design proposal slides and prepare for the presentation. We also incorporated feedback from the proposal presentations. This included tweaking some of our requirements such as the latency, which I believe can be less than half 

Judenique’s Status Report For 2/19

Judenique’s Status Report For 2/19

This week I accomplished getting caught up on my schedule. I was able to complete an initial mockup for the website and complete research on the communication between the Rpi and web app. The communication will occur through a python script on the Rpi. This script will update a text file with the newest senor information and the web application will process that information. I started the initial setup of our website using the Django framework. We came up with a backup plan in case the communication doesn’t work, however, I will continue working on the Django implementation. Additionally, I completed my assigned slides for the Design Presentation and met with my team throughout the week. My tasks for next week include detailing the website using feedback from the upcoming Design Presentation, testing the communication between the Rpi and web app, and designing a visual chart for the flute fingerings and scales.

Team Status Report For 2/19

Team Status Report For 2/19

This week we analyzed the feedback from our proposal presentation and finalized the majority of the design decisions regarding the controller. The most important piece of feedback was regarding the realism and implementation of the breath control mechanism, as it is a crucial component of 

Vivian’s Status Report for 2/19

Vivian’s Status Report for 2/19

This past week I worked with the team to finalize our design and complete our design proposal slides. We’re sticking with a flute controller, and we found a way to sense and quantify the user’s breath control. The breath sensor consists of a LED, photodiode, 

Angel’s Status Report for 2/12

Angel’s Status Report for 2/12

Over the past week I helped finish the slides for the design report and also attended various meetings (both after presentations and outside of class) to discuss the feedback we got after presentations and to more fully develop our design for the flute controller. I also put in the request for the LABIST raspberry pi and Arduino nano, so I could get started on setting up the environment and Bluetooth communication.

After doing some research into bluetooth modules that would work well with the Arduino Nano and pi, I plan on putting in the requests for the Bluetooth module and microSD card for the pi tomorrow so I can start setting up simple Bluetooth communication between the two devices, as that part will not change much even as our overall goals/design change after getting feedback from the professors. For now, there is not much I can do until these parts are received, so I plan on doing research into the code for the sending and receiving Bluetooth until then so that I can hit the ground running. I also plan on researching the best ways to interface with the web application from the pi next week as well.

Vivian’s Status Report for 2/12

Vivian’s Status Report for 2/12

9This past week I completed my slides for the proposal presentation and gave the proposal. From the feedback of this presentation, we decided we either need to determine a more accurate way to detect user breath or pivot to another use case. One option I 

Judenique’s Status Report for 2/12

Judenique’s Status Report for 2/12

This week I accomplished my deliverable of creating my assigned slides for the Proposal Presentation. Our team met throughout the week during and outside of class to respond to mentor/instructor feedback and refine our proposal ideas. Additionally, we worked on setting up the WordPress website. 

Team Status Report for 2/12

Team Status Report for 2/12

This week was our proposal presentation where we received feedback from colleagues and professors about our project. Our feedback suggests that if we want to market our project to beginners, breath control has to be a more significant aspect. This is because learning breath control is one of the main challenges beginners face when starting to learn the flute. Our options are to either make the breath control feedback more accurate or pivot our use case in some other way (either by changing the woodwind instrument to one that has less of an emphasis on breath control or marketing the project towards intermediate players who need less work on breath control). While the first option fits more into our use case, we face the challenge of having to do a lot of signal processing, which we don’t have a lot of background in. We’re considering changing our design plan from using a microphone to sense breath control to something more mechanical like a small fan or pinwheel the user blows on, combined with an IR sensor to determine speed.

Due to these design changes, we have yet to order all our equipment and sensors. Therefore, we face the risk of delays in receiving the equipment and slowing our project progress. We hope to mitigate this by spending most of our time next week doing research for the changes in our design and working on the parts of the project that require equipment we already have: writing test code for Arduinos/RPis, beginning web app development, and creating our design presentation.