Author: jauguste

Judenique’s Status Report for 4/23

Judenique’s Status Report for 4/23

This week I was able to fully finish with the learn mode functionality and go through several scales to test it. I also finished my task of setting up an Apache server. However, I ran into a problem with the server that I don’t have 

Judenique’s Status Report for 4/16

Judenique’s Status Report for 4/16

This week was about finishing up the learn mode and working on further integration with the controller. Specifically, I was able to interpret more of the controller data: the new data would render a bar with how hard a user is blowing and the other 

Team Status Report for 4/16

Team Status Report for 4/16

With about two weeks coming up to the end of our project, we are working on finishing the final components. We previously had stated we got all the components working in sync, however, they were not the final version such as the controller and display of the web application. This week was spent on integration with a focus on how we are going to test components and our overall project. We asked for advice about testing during our weekly meeting with our advisor and began researching. We are currently on schedule as this is about time to start with the testing side of integration. This upcoming week, we will continue our integration by adding breath control to the communication chain.

Judenique’s Status Report for 4/10

Judenique’s Status Report for 4/10

Happy Carnival Week! This week our team completed our interim demo where we showed off the complete control flow. I worked with my team before the demo and it was the start of our integration with the web app. I had the learning mode for 

Judenique’s Status Report for 4/2

Judenique’s Status Report for 4/2

This week I made significant progress on the learning mode. I worked mostly on the backend of how it should operate so I would say I partly accomplished one of my goals of finishing up the learn mode. Designing the front end has been a 

Judenique’s Status Report for 3/26

Judenique’s Status Report for 3/26

This week I got to chance to catch up on some of the tasks I missed last week. I have a draft of how the fingerings would look and how the modes should look. I am in the process of implementing them but it is taking longer than I originally thought to get them to work completely. Our goal for the intermin demo next week is to have one of the scales working for the ‘Learn’ mode. This requires working communication and integration of the web app and controller. The user profile and information is functional. However, I will need to transfer the database over to another system later (SQL instead of SQLite). Overall, I am a bit behind and to catch up, I would need to finalize the learn mode and start inputting the script to read the inputs from the controller.

Judenique’s Status Report for 3/19

Judenique’s Status Report for 3/19

For the week of 2/27, our team had the design report due. My tasks for the design report were to detail the user interface sections and software implementation. Additionally, I worked with my teammates to finalize the communication based on the feedback we received from 

Judenique’s Status Report for 2/26

Judenique’s Status Report for 2/26

This week concluded our last presentation for a while, which was our design presentation. We are now in the process of writing our design report and splitting that work accordingly. I got to complete most of the tasks I stated last week. I set up 

Judenique’s Status Report For 2/19

Judenique’s Status Report For 2/19

This week I accomplished getting caught up on my schedule. I was able to complete an initial mockup for the website and complete research on the communication between the Rpi and web app. The communication will occur through a python script on the Rpi. This script will update a text file with the newest senor information and the web application will process that information. I started the initial setup of our website using the Django framework. We came up with a backup plan in case the communication doesn’t work, however, I will continue working on the Django implementation. Additionally, I completed my assigned slides for the Design Presentation and met with my team throughout the week. My tasks for next week include detailing the website using feedback from the upcoming Design Presentation, testing the communication between the Rpi and web app, and designing a visual chart for the flute fingerings and scales.

Team Status Report For 2/19

Team Status Report For 2/19

This week we analyzed the feedback from our proposal presentation and finalized the majority of the design decisions regarding the controller. The most important piece of feedback was regarding the realism and implementation of the breath control mechanism, as it is a crucial component of