Vivian’s Status Report for 2/19
This past week I worked with the team to finalize our design and complete our design proposal slides. We’re sticking with a flute controller, and we found a way to sense and quantify the user’s breath control. The breath sensor consists of a LED, photodiode, and piece of latex to obstruct the light when the user blows down on it. Currently I have a prototype working with an LED and a photoresistor on a breadboard, and the Arduino code shows that the analog output from the photoresistor varies as I blow at different speeds.
As for the rest of the controller, we’ve ordered the sensors and buttons we need. We’re planning on using 9 buttons to sense the flute notes from E4 to D6, mounted inside a 1” PVC pipe, along with a gyroscope and our breath sensor.
I’ve also tested all the buttons we ordered with some simple Arduino code, as well as the gyroscope. The gyroscope isn’t currently working, though, because I need to solder pins onto the PCB in order to make a good connection to send data.
I was able to catch up to schedule this past week because some of our sensors came sooner than expected. I’m currently still on schedule, and I hope to get most of the initial sensor testing done before spring break.
Next week I hope to solder leads onto the buttons and gyroscope. I would also like to do initial testing on the gyroscope and wire up 9 small push buttons to begin writing the code to send a complete note fingering to the Raspberry Pi over bluetooth (working with Angel).