Vivian’s Status Report for 4/16
This week I made a final breath sensor that is more accurate than the old one and is small enough to fit inside the controller. It doesn’t fit inside the tube without any holes in the PVC, but I’m looking to cut a panel in the top of the PVC so the breath sensor fits flush inside the controller. It does fit well on the top of the PVC if that’s necessary, so that’s a possible backup.
I also soldered the new pack of buttons we got and found 9 that work much more reliably than the older ones.
Finally, I researched the best way to connect all the wires inside the controller. I would like for the board inside the controller to be disconnectable from the controller itself, so we can take the board out and program that separately. I ordered some wire to wire connectors that clip, and some wagos to create a common ground wire for ease.
My progress is on schedule, because my integration with Angel’s section is done and I have the remaining time until the demo to assemble the controller in its final configuration and do testing. However, I will have a lot of work to do this week because we also need to work on our final presentation slides.
This week, I’m hoping to attach the breath sensor inside the PVC, connect all the wires to the board in a disconnectable way, and glue down all the sensors in the controller. Once that is done, I plan on testing the controller for feel and accuracy. While I’m waiting for the wire connectors to be delivered, I plan to work with my group on our final presentation slides.