Angel’s Status Report for 2/19
This week I worked with the team to create our design proposal slides and prepare for the presentation. We also incorporated feedback from the proposal presentations. This included tweaking some of our requirements such as the latency, which I believe can be less than half a second due to the Baud Rates of Bluetooth communication. Even with the baud rate of 9600, the latency of sending a couple of bytes of data should be much less than half a second, and so we changed our requirement for that. I got the Arduino Nano and Raspberry Pi this week, so I was able to set up both devices. On the Pi, I installed the OS and added some test code. Since we also got the Bluetooth module this week, I was able to connect it to the Arduino and change the device name and set the Baud rate of it to 9600. (With a possible max Baud Rate of 115200).
After setting up the devices separately, I was able to successfully pair the fluteController (name of the bluetooth module) to the Pi, and connect to it once. However, I have not been able to repeat this. The Bluetooth module is paired and discoverable on the Pi, but will not actually connect to the Pi again even after troubleshooting for a couple of hours. It seems the Bluetooth capability on the Pi keeps breaking, and I am not sure why yet. Because of this, I was not able to verify that I can send data from the Arduino to the Pi. (As we are not currently planning on sending data the other direction, I did not plan to test for this). I was able to stay on schedule with the initial set up, and for next week I have it slated that I send dummy data to the Pi, so I am still on track.
Next week I plan to figure out how to connect to the Pi again, and start sending useful dummy data that can be used to simulate information from the sensors. That way, I can work with Vivian as soon as she finishes the physical device and start writing the python code that processes that information.