Team Status Report for 4/23

No changes were made to the design this week. 

The BLE board we were going to fit inside the controller broke this week, so we run the risk of not having a board that fits inside the controller. We’re ordering another one to come early next week, and worst case scenario the way we have the board mounted on the end of the PVC with tape doesn’t affect the user experience that much. Another risk we face is what to do if one of our three sensors is finicky. Currently, Vivian is running into some issues with humidity in the breath sensor, and at the moment none of the modes on the web app work without breath control and notes don’t play without breath control. We’re looking into ways to turn off the breath control at certain times and still have a working product, which is also a good idea for demo day if people want to test our project while wearing a mask.

Our schedule hasn’t changed, we’re currently in our slack time so we’re testing and making adjustments as necessary.

Below is a picture of our (mostly) completed wireless controller!

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