Team Status Report for 3/19
The week before spring break, we finished our design review report based on our feedback from our design presentation. We broke down the requirements of the design report, designated it to each group member, and assembled it throughout the week in team meetings. Following spring break, we received feedback from the design reviews and discussed the changes we needed to make. One of the major concerns was the breath control implementation. We made sure to prioritize testing the breath sensor this week for this reason. We didn’t make any major design changes but we did clarify that we’re planning on playing the note the user plays on the RPi with a library called SonicPi to play flute sounds.
The most significant risk is still the breath control sensor, and we’re managing this by working on it this week and next week. We have a prototype for the breath sensor working this week (picture below), and Vivian’s planning to test it more and make another prototype next week before mounting it in the controller. We’re also planning to order another BLE module next week to make testing and integration easier. This is so Vivian and Angel can both work on Arduino code at the same time without having to pass back and forth an Arduino. In terms of the connection between the Arduino and RPi, we’re less concerned about that now because we were able to establish a basic connection between the new Arduino BLE and Pi.
Due to the delays in establishing communication between the BLE and Pi, amongst other delays, we have decided to push back integration by one week, still leaving us with a week of slack in our schedule. This will also give us more time to test the breath control.