Angel’s Status Report for 2/12

Over the past week I helped finish the slides for the design report and also attended various meetings (both after presentations and outside of class) to discuss the feedback we got after presentations and to more fully develop our design for the flute controller. I also put in the request for the LABIST raspberry pi and Arduino nano, so I could get started on setting up the environment and Bluetooth communication.

After doing some research into bluetooth modules that would work well with the Arduino Nano and pi, I plan on putting in the requests for the Bluetooth module and microSD card for the pi tomorrow so I can start setting up simple Bluetooth communication between the two devices, as that part will not change much even as our overall goals/design change after getting feedback from the professors. For now, there is not much I can do until these parts are received, so I plan on doing research into the code for the sending and receiving Bluetooth until then so that I can hit the ground running. I also plan on researching the best ways to interface with the web application from the pi next week as well.

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