This week was our busiest week so far. We had discussions to finalize our design choices for the overall system states and architecture. We estimate that we are each about 70-80% finished with designing our own respective subsystems. We will complete our designs in time to submit the design report. We have not yet documented the fabrication and assembly process of our design, which we will do in our report. We also have to meet again to discuss what the interfaces will be between each of the respective subsystems we are designing and also start thinking about how we will proceed with system integration. We have updated the Gantt chart to show our progress in our design phase. We added slack to our schedule to include more system integration and start our development phase when spring break starts. We decided Raymond will present for our Design Presentation, which is mostly finished and ready to be submitted. Although we are all still busy in the Design phase, it is worth noting that we should look ahead and start discussing the Development phase of this project next week. We hope to continue this pace throughout our project.