Joseph Jang’s Status Report for 3/26

This week, I was able to set up the Jetson Agx Xavier.  I have started reviewing the inverse kinematics for the robotic arm.  I am going through the tutorials for using Python with ROS to get a better understanding of robot simulation.  I am also looking through the lecture notes of the robotics course 16-384 called Robot Kinematics and Dynamics.  There are many resources available, but I am currently leaning towards using a MATLAB & Simulink library called Robotic Systems Toolbox.  I have started playing around with the IK solver algorithms and simulation model for the end effector of the robotic arm.  I am having some trouble understanding all the math behind a 4-DOF robotic arm.  I think I will eventually get there, but for now, I will simulate the robotic arm.

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