Raymond’s status report 4/16

I updated my dataset with more images, including hard to find images of arms over the grill, in response to the feedback from the ethics class about potential harm from the project. The newly created network works. Metrics might need to be shifted a bit in the final report, however, since the categories for anything that is not meat is so broad and the dataset is so limited that there will be limits in terms of accuracy. I will see what I can do.


Jasper and I got the ethernet working, however, with the revelation that the final demo will take place in the UC, orders have been placed for both a router and a wifi card. Both orders placed because flexibility in terms of results.


I have begun integration of the cooking time algorithm with computer vision. I will need Jasper to integrate the user interface. Unfortunately, Joseph’s lack of completion of work in time for integration has bottlenecked progress and he will need to step up for my part of the scheduled tasks to be completed.

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