Team Status Report – 3/12/21

This week, the team worked together to solidify design decision for the design presentation. We considered the project’s risks and technical challenges, including selecting an image to use for classification based on priors. As a team, we have begun drafting the design review, clarifying the decisions we presented on Monday with the MATLAB scripts and napkin-math we have done so far.

Since our parts arrived on Thursday, we met to bring-up everybody’s Jetson Nano. We distributed parts such that Ethan and Jeremy have a single camera to work on and each member has their own card shoe and deck. Once Jeremy finishes the imaging pipeline in the coming weeks, he and Sid will swap hardware so Sid can train the ML model to classify cards.






While the parts arrived one week later than expected, we still believe we can maintain our original schedule. See the individual progress reports for more details on which tasks are challenging.

Next week, we will finish our design review and continue working to finalize decisions on the camera system so Ethan can get a PCB sent out for manufacturing.

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